
Why choose to book Laser Combat with us?
We are the best in the business. We have countless years of experience in the activity industry, in particular the fun Laser Combat, aiming to bring you the best possible experience.
How do I go about contacting Laser Strike?
If you need to contact Laser Strike for any reason, simple click here to go to our contact page here you can email us directly, request a call back or find our telephone number and address.
How do I book an event with Laser Strike?
Booking with us has never been simpler with many ways to do this being available. Just browse our website and find the right venue for you and then simply follow our secure online booking process to get your booking secured. Alternatively, you can give one of our laser combat experts a call who will be more than happy to assist you with your booking. get in touch via our contact page.
How can I organise a group booking?
Our quotes are interactive so you are able to invite your group members through the quote and then they can book and pay separately as and when they are ready. They can also view all the details of the event, saving the organiser a lot of work. If you’d prefer to do this over the phone you can call one of our helpful activity experts. get in touch via our contact page.
Can I order gift vouchers for Laser Combat?
Absolutely. We have an excellent range of gift vouchers for you to choose from that will ensure your friend enjoys an exhilarating day of action. We offer Gift Vouchers in GBP25, GBP50, GBP100 denominations which are redeemable for up to 12 months, just click here.


What is Laser Combat?
Laser Combat is an activity played outdoors where players use a 'phaser' gun to shoot an infra-red beam at their enemies in order to gain points.
How do the guns work?
The guns don't fire any projectiles, they shoot an infra-red beam, just like that in a TV remote, which causes no harm to the opposing player whatsoever. The only risk when playing is tripping or bumping into the objects around but although this is hard to negate our team do their best to prevent any circumstances occurring. A laser combat marshal will be present at all times and will ensure that the rules and safety procedures are followed throughout this thrilling experience.
How do you know if you have been hit?
If you get hit, which we both know you won't as you’ll be too good for your opponent, you'll be able to hear an alarm noise coming from the sensor on your waist. Alongside this, you’ll be able to see your tag and gun illuminate in a multiple of colours.
What should I wear?
We recommend that you wear sensible and comfortable footwear, anything that allows you to move around freely (so it won't be wise to crack out the high heels ladies). A secret tip for you is that we would recommend you wear something dark, you'll be less visible to your enemies. Make sure to dress to the weather.
When can I do Laser Combat?
Laser Combat can be done weekdays or weekends but this does depend on availability, we would advise to book ASAP to get your session time confirmed.
Is there a Laser Combat venue near me?
With 62 Laser Combat locations to choose from across the UK and Ireland, chances are one of our venues will only be a short distance from where you are or where your looking to go. Click here for a list of venues and find the perfect location for you.